We all know that most New Year’s resolutions are abandoned by February. But why? Most of us take the opportunity of a new year’s beginning to look at how we live and find ways to make it better. We get excited for a change—maybe you’re going to save money, start eating more greens, or learn a new language. You might buy all the necessary equipment to reach your goal. Maybe you make a schedule in your brand-new journal so you’ll stay on track. You download the apps, shop at the right stores, and promise yourself that this time, you’ll stick to it. But alas, you don’t.

So, what happens? 

A New Set of Eyes

We spend a lot of time with ourselves. It’s very easy to fall into a pattern of thinking we know who we are without taking a rigorous account of our thoughts and activities. It’s easy to miss important things about ourselves, both positive and negative because it’s simpler to stick to our idea of who we are and how we operate.

A life coach brings a whole new set of eyes to this process. They are trained to look at your habits and pinpoint exactly what’s working and what isn’t. It’s almost impossible, even if we make a marked effort, to see all the inner workings of our thoughts and behaviors. When someone joins our team and helps point these things out, we are already on our way to more consistency and better results. Some benefits include:

  • – More lasting changes
  • – More enjoyable change
  • – Improving personal relationships
  • – Improvements to mental, emotional, and physical health
  • – Improved self-esteem

Think of it like this—you may see yourself as lazy. You try new things and quickly give up. This frustrates you, so you’ve accepted it as part of your personality, and even though you continue to set goals, you’re consistently disappointed in yourself. When a life coach becomes involved, they can observe the full spectrum of your habits without judgment. They might see that instead of being lazy, you just aren’t setting realistic enough goals. Maybe you tend to give yourself too short a timeframe, so you burn out fast. Maybe you take on too much at once, so you become overwhelmed and disinterested. A life coach can help you change how you see yourself and set your goals so that you find it easier and more rewarding to work toward them. This is how you start on the path of lasting change.

The Magic of Accountability

People often underestimate the power of accountability. Sure, we might make promises to ourselves, and we might really mean them when we do. But it’s so easy to convince ourselves that we don’t need to work toward our goal anymore and slip back into our old ways. You might tell yourself that you don’t deserve change or that you’re incapable. Change is hard and it’s usually uncomfortable, and we tend to be hard on ourselves and lose the joy of the journey. As humans, we are wired to find comfort and safety, and unless we are sharing our goals with another person, we tend to revert to what we know when things get tough.

A life coach will bring the magic of accountability into your life. Not only are they a motivating and supportive presence, but a life coach will gently hold you accountable to your goals because they care just as much as you do. They will be able to help you navigate the pitfalls and hard moments. They can help you manage challenges and empower you to face them head-on. It’s harder to slip back into old patterns when you are reporting your progress to someone else. It’s easier to stick to your changes when you have someone in your corner rooting for you. 

Start Changing Today

If it feels like you’re stuck in a revolving door of frustration or disappointment, it might be time for a life coach. Let a professional uncover what’s holding you back and give you the joy of a new way of being.